Monday, Amstelveen
16.00 17.00 Ballet
17.00-18.00 RG
Wednesday, Amstelveen
Thursday, Alkmaar
17.00 - 18.30
For children from 5 to 12 years old.
It is a non-competitive, nurturing program that builds the child’s confidence in a fun and friendly atmosphere. All levels of ability are welcome to join.
Here, we introduce basic positions of ballet and rhythmic gymnastics, apparatus handling, basic gymnastic elements and children's all-round development. Children take part in club activities.
General Physical Preparations through exercises on:
apparatus handling with rope, hoop, ball, and ribbon
Monday, Amstelveen
Wednesday, Amstelveen
Friday, Amsterdam
For children from 5 to 12 years old.
In this group, we will learn gymnastic elements, children's all-round development and apparatus handling. Children take part in Dutch Championship 1 or 2 division and club activities.
Technical Training
Training and mastering the basic and specific body movements
Training and mastering the basic and specific movements with rope, hoop, ball, clubs & ribbon
Posture, body position, hands & feet position in the choreography, classic dance poses
Acrobatic training (acrobatic elements, bridges, splits, rolls, coups, etc.)
Exercises on the coordination of movements with music.
Second Division
Monday, Amstelveen
Wednesday, Amstelveen
Friday, Amsterdam
For children from 5 years old until 18 years old.
Apparatus handling, learning gymnastics elements, children's all-round development. Gymnasts participate in competitions and tournaments of different types and take part in club activities.
Special Physical Training
Exercises to develop flexibility
Exercises to develop motor coordination abilities
Exercises to develop speed and power abilities
Exercises to develop special endurance abilities
Monday, Amstelveen
Tuesday, Alkmaar
16.00 - 19.45
Wednesday, Amstelveen
Thursday, Alkmaar
Friday, Amsterdam
16.00 - 20.00
For children from 7 years old until 20 years old.
Kids will be selected personally by the Head Coach.
It is a competitive program for experienced athletes only. These gymnasts must dedicate many hours of training (16 or more per week) to perfect advanced skills in all aspects of rhythmic gymnastics.
At this level, athletes prepare for national/international competitions, training several times a week, and travel to various competitions locally and out of state. They will also have many compulsory training camps during the season. It is an honor to advance to upper levels and requires complete dedication from athletes, but the results are definitely worth it.